The Team

The Team

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

course description

Creativity is defined as the need to generate or identify ideas, alternatives or new possibilities, which are useful in solving problems and communicating with others.  Being creative allows for one to view things in new ways, through different perspectives. This is the main aim of the ‘Creative Drawing’ class.
The class will provide the students with an opportunity to cultivate their creativity while learning a number of techniques through a hands-on approach.  The students will begin by learning basic sketching principles and techniques, acquiring a basic knowledge through observing their environment and focusing on details, patterns, colour, materiality, textures and form.  

The course will begin with exploratory walks in the city of London, which will be an integral part of the course, to sketch, gather information, collect materials, take photographs, and study the effects of space, form, function, colour, light, and materiality. They will then take their ideas and findings even further, turning their 2D designs to 3D designs.  Students will be introduced to 3D model making techniques using paper and model card, helping them comprehend the essence of form, teaching them to work with different media and scales simultaneously.

First day of sketching:

Students embarked on their projects.  They spent their class time exploring the TASIS campus with its diverse architectural qualities, while observing and analyzing the 'thresholds' around them.  
Getting ready to start sketching!
The girls are working hard!

Sketching thresholds!

Experimenting with textures!

Exploring level changes!

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